February 16, 2021

The Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials has announced a Special Issue Festschrift for Professor Kannan Krishnan entitled “Mesoscopic magnetic materials and their application in information technology & biomedicine.”
From the Journal’s website:
“This special issue is put together to honor the work of Professor Kannan M. Krishnan and his contributions to magnetism and magnetic materials as a celebration of his 65th birthday. We invite manuscripts that address pressing questions for today’s magnetic materials, in particular, works that were triggered or inspired by the achievements of Professor Krishnan in three dominant fields:
- Magnetism and magnetic thin films & nanostructures
- Biomedical applications
- Microscopy and structure-property correlations in magnetic & spintronic materials
“Submission window: March 1 - May 31, 2021.”
Visit the Call for Papers for more information.