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Current Students

MSE Course Descriptions

The undergraduate course structure allows students to integrate classroom knowledge with laboratory and project work in material design, synthesis, processing, and characterization. This integration is the core foundation of MSE and is critical to each student's future career success in industry and academia.

The undergraduate curriculum includes:

  1. 100- and 200-level prerequisite courses including math, science, and engineering fundamentals
  2. Required core 300- and 400-level MSE courses taken by all MSE students
  3. 400-level elective courses that senior students can select

Students looking to plan their schedule for the upcoming year can view the tentative course schedule.


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UW Course Catalog

This website provides descriptions, times, and instructors for all MSE courses for current and upcoming quarters.

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UW Scout

Scout helps you find the perfect study space. Choose by noise level, privacy, proximity to coffee and food, and more.

MyPlan schedule builder page heading

MyPlan: Schedule Builder

A new MyPlan feature to see which courses and sections best fit your calendar for upcoming quarters. Find it on the "Quarter Details" page after logging in.