March 11, 2021

Matthew Yankowitz, assistant professor of MSE and physics, has been selected as the winner of the 2021 Lee Osheroff Richardson (LOR) Science Prize. Yankowitz is recognised for his formative contributions to the field of moiré van der Waals heterostructures, spanning the initial discovery of band reconstruction in aligned graphene/boron nitride to more recent investigations of strongly correlated states, magnetism, topology and superconductivity in twisted graphene structures.
Says Yankowitz, “I am thrilled and honored to have been selected as the recipient of the prestigious Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize for 2021. Although our primary goal is to uncover new fundamental physics, gaining industry recognition is an important part of the work that we do. I’m grateful for all of the support from my phenomenal colleagues and mentors that has enabled me to reach this point.”
Presented by Oxford Instruments NanoScience, the LOR Science Prize promotes and recognizes the novel work of young scientists working in low temperatures and/or high magnetic fields in the Americas.