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Luna Yue Huang

Faculty Photo

Associate Teaching Professor
Materials Science & Engineering

Pronouns: She/her

  • (206) 616-0918
  • ROB 335
  • eSience


Dr. Luna Yue Huang earned a B.S in Materials Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing in 2000 and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering and Nanotechnology from the University of Washington, Seattle in 2006. After working as a Professional Engineer, Project Manager, and Task Force lead in the industry, she started to teach engineering courses at the college level in 2014. Currently, she is an assistant teaching professor in the Materials Science and Engineering Department of the University of Washington, Seattle. She is also the department's industrial relationship coordinator and department director of the internship program. Her research focuses on Data Science and its application in materials informatics, and the computational study of materials' electronic structure. She is teaching Data Science and Materials informatics, Big Data of Materials Science, Integrated Undergraduate Laboratory, and Design in Materials Engineering. 


  • Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington, 2006
  • B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2000

Previous appointments

  • Project Manager, P.E. H.W.Lochner

Research Statement

Professor Huang's research focuses on applying data science and machine learning to materials science research and engineering. As a teaching faculty, she works with Professor Ting Cao and Professor Xiaosong Li to develop the data science courses series in the materials science department and chemistry department. She also encourages undergraduate research and is a true believer in learning by doing. As the teaching faculty in charge of capstones for the materials science and engineering department, she works with engineers to lead undergraduate capstone teams each year that provide our undergrad students an opportunity to work closely with engineers on real engineering problems. On her own time, she also continues learning and doing research in electronic structure theory and its application in quantum materials. 

Select publications

  1. 1. “Contributions to enamel durability with aging: an application of data science tools”, C.Renteria, W.Yan, Yue Luna Huang, Dwayne D. Arola, Jornal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, Volume 129, May 2022, 105147
  2. 2. “A machine learning approach to investigate the materials science of enamel aging,” W.Yan, C.Renteria, Y.Huang, D Arola. Dental Materials Volume 37, Issue 12, December 2021 Page 1761-1771.
  3. 3. “What’s Next for Machine Learning: Specialized AI Application in Research”, Y.Huang, IFS International Symposium, Japan, Oct 27th to Oct 29th, 2021.
  4. 4. “Structure-Property Correlation Study for Organic Photovoltaic Polymer Materials Using Data Science Approach”, Y. Huang, J. Zhang, E. Jiang, Y. Oya, A. Saeki, G. Kikugawa, T. Okabe, and F. S. Ohuchi, the virtual special issue of machine learning in physical chemistry, C. J.Phys.Chem. C 2020 12, 12871-12882,
  5. 5. “Introducing Self-Organized Maps (SOM) as a visualization tool for materials research and education” Jimin, Q.; Nguyen, N. P.; Oya, Y.; Kikukgawa, G.; Okabe, T.; Huang, Y.; F. S, Ohuchi, Results in Materials 2019, Volume 4, 2019, 100020
  6. 1 Electronic Structures and spectroscopic signatures of silicon-vacancy containing nanodiamonds, A.Petrone, R. Beck, Y.Huang, J.Kasper, M.Crane, P.Pauzauskie, X.Li, Phys. Rev. B., 2018, 98 205405.
  7. 2 A multiscale model for the synthesis of thermosetting resins: from the addition reaction to cross-linked network formation, J Li, S. Jumpei. H.Waizumi, Y Oya, Y. Huang, N. Kishimot, T. Okabe Chemical Physics Letter 720 2019, 64-69
  8. 3. Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Signature of Noble Gas Doped Nanodiamonds, Y. Huang, R.Beck, A.Petrone, J.Abbott, X.Li, in progress
  9. 4. Computational Study of Molecular Stacking Effect in Donor-Acceptor Polymers, Y.Huang, Y.Oya, C.Luscombe, X.Li, in progress