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Mo Chen

Faculty Photo

Assistant Professor
Materials Science & Engineering

Pronouns: he/him


Mo Chen joined the MSE department in September 2024 as an assistant professor. Prior to this, he was a postdoctoral scholar at California Institute of Technology and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and earned his Ph.D. (2020) and S.M. (2015) in Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research, employing tools like quantum sensing, quantum control, and nanoscale engineering, focuses on developing a profound understanding of quantum device physics, for both fundamental explorations and practical applications in quantum information science.


  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020
  • S.M. in Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015
  • B.S. in Optics, Fudan University, 2012

Previous appointments

  • Postdoctoral Scholar, California Institute of Technology, 2020-2024
  • Postdoctoral Scholar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020

Research Statement

Our research is interdisciplinary, bringing together expertise from quantum information, materials science, applied physics, microwave engineering, and nanofabrication. Through a co-design process, we aim to 1) develop a profound understanding of solid-state quantum device physics and the associated materials challenges, and 2) innovate the next-generation of solid-state quantum devices for quantum computation, quantum sensing, and quantum communication.

Select publications

  1. M. Chen, J.C. Owens, H. Putterman, M. Schäfer, O. Painter, "Phonon engineering of atomic-scale defects in superconducting quantum circuits", Science Advances 10, eado6240 (2024)
  2. G. Wang, A.R. Barr, H. Tang, M. Chen, C. Li, H. Xu, A. Stasiuk, J. Li, P. Cappellaro, "Characterizing temperature and strain variations with qubit ensembles for their robust coherence protection", Physical Review Letters 131, 043602 (2023)
  3. M. Chen, C. Li, G. Palumbo, Y.Q. Zhu, N. Goldman, P. Cappellaro, "A synthetic monopole source of Kalb-Ramond field in diamond", Science 375, 1017 (2022)
  4. D. Layden, M. Chen, P. Cappellaro, "Efficient quantum error correction of dephasing induced by a common fluctuator", Physical review letters 124, 020504 (2022)
  5. C. Li, M. Chen, D. Lyzwa, P. Cappellaro, "All-optical quantum sensing of rotational Brownian motion of magnetic molecules", Nano letters 19, 7342 (2019)
  6. M. Chen, W.K.C. Sun, K. Saha, J.C. Jaskula, P. Cappellaro, "Protecting solid-state spins from a strongly coupled environment", New Journal of Physics 20, 063011 (2018)