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Quansan Yang

Faculty Photo

Assistant Professor
Materials Science & Engineering

  • (224) 724-1728
  • ROB


Quansan Yang will join the MSE department as an assistant professor in 2025. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working in the labs of Prof. Edward S. Boyden and Prof. Peter T.C. So (2021-2025). He received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University in 2021, where he worked with Prof. John A. Rogers. He obtained his B.S. degree from Tsinghua University in 2016. His research focuses on employing biomolecules and biomaterials, advanced manufacturing schemes, and computational algorithms in the fields of bio-electronics and bio-optics to address unmet needs in health and sustainability.


  • Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, 2021
  • Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, 2016

Previous appointments

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021-2025

Research Statement

My group focuses on integrating bio-inspired molecules and materials, advanced manufacturing strategies, and computational algorithms into bio-electronic and bio-optical platforms. Our primary goals are to advance minimally-invasive diagnostic and therapeutic methods, as well as to promote pharmaceutical and environmental sustainability.

Select publications

  1. Kariyawasam, H., Hettiarachchi, R., Yang, Q., Matlock, A., Nambara, T., Kusaka, H., ... & Wadduwage, D. (2023). QuATON: Quantization Aware Training of Optical Neurons. Research Square.
  2. Yang, Q., Hu, Z., Seo, M. H., Xu, Y., Yan, Y., Hsu, Y. H., ... & Rogers, J. A. (2022). High-speed, scanned laser structuring of multi-layered eco/bioresorbable materials for advanced electronic systems. Nature Communications, 13(1), 6518.
  3. Yang, Q., Liu, T. L., Xue, Y., Wang, H., Xu, Y., Emon, B., ... & Rogers, J. A. (2022). Ecoresorbable and bioresorbable microelectromechanical systems. Nature Electronics, 5(8), 526-538.
  4. Reeder, J. T., Xie, Z., Yang, Q., Seo, M. H., Yan, Y., Deng, Y., ... & Rogers, J. A. (2022). Soft, bioresorbable coolers for reversible conduction block of peripheral nerves. Science, 377(6601), 109-115.
  5. Salamin, Y., Mills, B., Yang, G., Yang, Q., Swain, C., Oran, D., ... & Soljačić, M. (2022, May). Three-Dimensional Optical Crystals Nanoprinted in a Hydrogel. In 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.
  6. Yang, Q., Wei, T., Yin, R. T., Wu, M., Xu, Y., Koo, J., ... & Rogers, J. A. (2021). Photocurable bioresorbable adhesives as functional interfaces between flexible bioelectronic devices and soft biological tissues. Nature Materials, 20(11), 1559-1570.
  7. Yang, Q., Hu, Z., & Rogers, J. A. (2021). Functional hydrogel interface materials for advanced bioelectronic devices. Accounts of Materials Research, 2(11), 1010-1023.
  8. Yang, Q., Lee, S., Xue, Y., Yan, Y., Liu, T. L., Kang, S. K., ... & Rogers, J. A. (2020). Materials, mechanics designs, and bioresorbable multisensor platforms for pressure monitoring in the intracranial space. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(17), 1910718.

Honors & awards

  • MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35, Global List, 2023
  • Forbes 30 Under 30 in Science, North America, 2023