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News Archive

January 2015

Alumnus Alan Miller Receives 2015 COE Diamond Award
Alan G. Miller (77' MSE Ph.D.), retired from Boeing after a 34-year career, has been selected to receive the 2015 College of Engineering Diamond Award for Distinguished Achievement in Industry.

December 2014

MSE Students Launch Crowdfunding Campaign
MSE PhD student Pegah Hassanzadeh and Xiaolin Zhang, and senior Rachel Rosenzweig, members of Prof. Marco Rolandi's group, have launched a crowdfunding campaign for affordable chitin-based water purification:

December 2014

Pauzauskie Invited to German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
Prof. Peter Pauzauskie has been invited by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) to attend the 2015 German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium in Potsdam. The symposium is sponsored by NAE and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

November 2014

Marco Rolandi Cited in Article on Microneedle Patches
Prof. Marco Rolandi was quoted in a Yahoo News article titled "Microneedle patches could make a flu shot as simple as a Band-Aid."

November 2014

MSE Applied Master’s Alumni Found Uphill Designs
Dan Sedlacek and Mounica Sonikar, recent MSE Applied Master’s Program graduates, have founded Uphill Designs where they manufacture sustainable, natural and ultra-light trekking poles made from bamboo and cork. They are now on Kickstarter in an effort to gain supporters for their vision.

October 2014

Ashley Tracey Wins 2014 CAMX Poster Session
MSE Ph.D. Candidate Ashley Tracey took 1st place in the CAMX Poster Session, October 2014, with a project poster titled "Reverse the Curse of the Nylon Peel Ply?."

October 2014

Printable Tandem Solar Cells: The Next Revolution in Solar Energy
Solar Cell research of Profs. Alex Jen (MSE) and Hugh Hillhouse (ChemE), funded in part by the UW Clean Energy Institute, has led to a $1.5 million grant from the Department of Energy SunShot Initiative. Follow the link to full story on the Clean Energy Institute website.

October 2014

Kannan Krishnan Named TMS Distinguished Scientist/Engineer
Prof. Kannan Krishnan is the recipient of the 2015 Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award from The Metals, Minerals and Materials Society (TMS).

September 2014

James De Yoreo Published in Science Magazine
MSE Affiliate Professor James De Yoreo, of Pacific Northwest National Labs, has just published a paper in Science magazine titled "In situ TEM imaging of CaCO3 nucleation reveals coexistence of direct and indirect pathways".

September 2014

Jason Ross Crowd-funding Project for
Jason Ross, an MSE graduate student in Prof. Xiaodong Xu's research group, has recently launched a crowd-funding project for His project is "The Future of Displays and Solar Cells: 10,000 times thinner than a human hair." To find out more about the project go to Jason's Page.

July 2014

Cao, Jen and Zhang Named Highly Cited Researchers
Profs. Guozhong Cao, Alex Jen and Miqin Zhang have been selected by Thomson Reuters as some of the most cited researchers in the world in Materials Science.

June 2014

Christine Luscombe Interviewed by MRS
Prof. Christine Luscombe was interviewed on video by the Materials Research Society for the June 2014 (vol 14, iss 11) issue of their Materials 360 newsletter. See the YouTube video link.

May 2014

Luscombe & Okamoto Published by SYNFACTS
Prof. Christine Luscombe and postdoc Ken Okamoto have been published in SYNFACTS issue 05/2014; "Simple Procedure for Mono- and Bis-End Functionalization of Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene)s Using Chalcogens."

April 2014

Krishnan Start-up Company, LodeSpin Labs, Highlighted
Lode-Spin Labs, founded by Prof. Kannan Krishnan and his (former) graduate students Matt Ferguson and Amit Khandhar, is featured in "Innovation & Impact: Academic & Industry Collaboration in Washington State's Life Sciences Research Enterprise", (pg. 24).

April 2014

Xiaodong Xu Wins APS and Cottrell Awards
Xiaodong Xu is the recipient of the APS Young Scientist Prize in Physics of Semiconductors and the RCSA Cottrell Scholar Award.

April 2014

Rolandi Group: Mechanical Properties of Self-assembled Chitin Nanofiber Networks
Rolandi's group paper "Mechanical properties of self-assembled chitin nanofiber networks" is featured on the inside front cover of the Emerging Investigators Issue in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B.

March 2014

Scientists Build Thinnest LEDs
Prof. Xiaodong Xu and grad student Jason Ross have built the thinnest-known LED that can be used as a source of light energy in electronics. With other university, federal, international researchers, they have co-authored, a paper about this technology that appeared online March 9 in Nature Nanotechnology. Also seeUW News article.

December 2013

Dwayne Arola Joins MSE
Dwayne Arola has joined MSE as Associate Professor following our Structural Materials Faculty Search.

December 2013
Gov. Jay Inslee Visits Clean Energy Institute - KIRO-TV Video

Washington Governor Jay Inslee was on hand at the Dec. 12th launch of the state-funded Clean Energy Institute at UW.

December 2013

New Clean Energy Institute will focus on solar, battery technologies
MSE is involved with the new UW Clean Energy Institute to develop efficient, cost-effective solar power and better energy storage systems. The new institute officially launched on Dec. 12, 2013. MSE professors Alex Jen, Christine Luscombe and Jihui Yang are actively involved in this interdiscplinary research effort.

October 2013

Luscombe Group: Work on π-Conjugated molecules gets Cover of Macromolecules

Prof. Christine Luscombe and her group have made the cover of Macromolecules, Oct. 23, 2013. Their paper concerns the development of greener and more efficient ways to make organic semiconducting molecules which are important for developing sustainable ways to make materials.