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About us

MSE Advisory Board

The MSE Advisory Board is composed of accomplished alumni and industry leaders. The board provides vision and guidance our academic and research excellence by:

  • Strengthening relationships between academia and industry
  • Informing research strategies
  • Envisioning new educational initiatives
  • Developing fellowships, endowments and other forms of student and faculty support

Dr. Aaron Feaver, PhD MSE 07
Chief Technology Officer,
Seattle, WA

Mr. Dan Frech, PhD CerE 98
Sr. Process Engineer, Yield Analysis Engineer,
Portland, OR

Mr. Donald Gorski, BS CerE 78
Retired, Chief Finance Officer,
Savers Inc.
Mercer Island, WA

Mr. Tim Hendry, BS MetE 82
Retired, VP, Technology & Manufacturing Group,
Intel Corporation
Albuquerque, NM 

Dr. Jun Liu, MS CerE 86, PhD CerE 90
Lab Fellow,
Pacific Northwest National Lab
Richland, WA

Dr. Biljana Mikijelj, MS Engr 84, PhD MSE 86
Laboratory Mgr, AdMD, Ceramics Platform
Ceradyne, Inc.
Costa Mesa, CA


Dr. Mansour Moinpour, MS MetE 81, PhD MetE 87
Retired, Engineering Manager,
Fabrication Materials Organization
Intel Corporation
Santa Clara, CA

Dr. John Smythe, III - EAB Vice-Chair
BS CerE 80, MS MSE 04, PhD MSE 09
Development Lead, Advanced Technology Lab
Micron Technology, Inc.
Boise, ID

Mr. J. Hayden Thomas (BS CerE 82) - EAB Chair
Retired, Sr. VP & Gen Mgr,
Worldwide Manuf. & Operations Group,
LSI Corporation
Portland, OR

Dr. Tia Benson Tolle (BS ME 86)
Director, Advanced Materials,
Seattle, WA 98124


Revised May 17, 2019