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Undergraduate program admission

We welcome your application! Before you apply, make sure you meet the department's minimum requirements and understand that meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee an offer of admission.

MSE admission pathways

How you enter the MSE undergraduate program depends on how you are admitted to the UW, as outlined below.

If you were admitted to the UW as a freshman and selected engineering-undeclared or an engineering major (other than computer engineering) as your first-choice major on your application, you will automatically be considered for Direct to College (DTC) admission.

If admitted DTC, you will enter the UW as an Engineering Undeclared (ENGRUD) student and will have the opportunity to explore many engineering disciplines before requesting placement in an engineering major after your freshman year. Admission to DTC is only available in autumn quarter.

For more information on the application process and deadlines, visit the College of Engineering’s Freshman admission website.

Welcome to the University of Washington College of Engineering! As an Engineering Undeclared student, your first year will include engineering foundational coursework such as math and science, as well as UW general education courses. At the end of your freshman year, you will request placement into an engineering major. The requirements to request placement are as follows:

  • Complete at least one quarter as a full-time UW student to request placement.
  • Maintain a minimum 2.00 ENGRUD GPA.
  • Complete the following courses with grades of 2.0 or above in each course:

    Engineering First-Year Interest Group (ENGR 101)

    1 credit
    MATH 124, 125, and 126 (or 

    MATH 134, 135, and 136)

    15 credits      
    CHEM 142 (or CHEM 143 or CHEM 145)  5 credits
    PHYS 121 (or PHYS 141) 5 credits
    ENGL 131 or other composition course 5 credits
    One additional engineering course from the placement requirement list, preferably one listed under the MSE major, but that is not required. MSE 170 is the highest priority course on the list. 4-5 credits

If more students request the major than we can accommodate, we use a holistic review process that considers grades and personal statements to determine placement. See more information about Direct to College admission or the placement process

This is the only admission point to the B.S. MSE program for current UW sophomores and juniors admitted to a major other than Engineering Undeclared(ENGRUD). Applicants have completed at least four quarters of equivalent college-level coursework and are on track to begin the department curriculum in the Autumn quarter of their Junior year. The application deadline is April 5.

Major application

The major application opens two weeks before the application deadline. Even when the application is not open, you can read the list of requirements by visiting the online application website in order to prepare.

Factors included in the admission decision are listed below in MSE selection process. MSE typically admits all students who meet the minimum admissions requirements.

Application requirements

You must have completed at least 55 academic credits at the time of application including the required courses or equivalents listed in the table below. You are strongly encouraged to meet with the MSE Undergrad Adviser to discuss your plans. Note that admission is competitive and you must meet these requirements:

Prospective applicants should be aware that you need to complete the MSE Application Requirements no later than the by the application deadline date, and MSE Enrollment Requirements by no later than the beginning of Autumn quarter. To be on track to complete your degree on time, you are strongly advised to also have completed the courses under the Additional Courses list below. As guidance, you can also consult the MSE B.S. Degree Requirements page to choose appropriate classes. See the department adviser if you have any questions.

Department application requirements

  • Cumulative UW GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Grade of 2.0 or higher in each required course
  • Prerequisite course requirements: Must be completed by the April 5th department application deadline
    Subject Credits Course Equivalencies
    Calculus 15 MATH 124, 125, 126
    General Chemistry for Science and Engineering (2 quarters) 10 CHEM 142, 152
    Calculus-based Physics (1st and 2nd quarter) 10 PHYS 121, 122
    English Composition 5 ENGL 131 or other composition course

Department enrollment requirements

The following courses must be completed by the beginning of your Autumn quarter enrollment in MSE.

Subject Credits Course Equivalencies
Differential Equations 3 MATH 207 (or MATH 307)
Fundamentals of Materials Science 4 MSE 170
Computer Programming for Science and Engineering 4 AMATH 301 OR CSE 142 OR CSE 122

Additional Courses to Complete Prior to Admission

To enable on-time graduation, you are strongly encouraged (but not required) to complete these courses prior to your MSE enrollment

Subject Credits Course Equivalencies
Statics 4 AA 210
Mechanics of Materials  4 CEE 220
Calculus-based Physics: 3rd quarter 5 PHYS 123
Matrix Algebra 3 MATH 208 (or MATH 308)

To apply as a transfer student, you must have completed at least 55 academic credits at the time of application including the required courses or equivalents listed in the table below. You must complete the MSE application requirements no later than by the application deadline date, and the MSE enrollment requirements by no later than the beginning of Autumn quarter. As guidance, you can also consult the B.S. degree requirements to choose appropriate classes.

You are strongly encouraged to contact the MSE undergraduate academic advisor as soon as possible to plan your transfer and ensure that you are ready to apply.

Hear from an MSE student who took this pathway!

Michel BernardoMichel Bernardo transferred to the UW after earning an associate's degree at Shoreline Community College. She found MSE after taking a career personality test!

Read her story

Department application requirements

  • Cumulative UW GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Grade of 2.0 or higher in each required course
  • Prerequisite course requirements: Must be completed by the April 5th department application deadline
    Subject Credits Course Equivalencies
    Calculus 15 MATH 124, 125, 126
    General Chemistry for Science and Engineering (2 quarters) 10 CHEM 142, 152
    Calculus-based Physics (1st and 2nd quarter) 10 PHYS 121, 122
    English Composition 5 ENGL 131 or other composition course

Department enrollment requirements

The following courses must be completed by the beginning of your Autumn quarter enrollment in MSE.

Subject Credits Course Equivalencies
Differential Equations 3 MATH 207 (or MATH 307)
Fundamentals of Materials Science  4 MSE 170
Computer Programming for Science and Engineering  4 AMATH 301 OR CSE 142 OR CSE 122

Transfer applicants without access to the Fundamentals of Materials Science course are still permitted to apply to the department. If admitted, you will be required to complete the missing course in your first quarter of UW study. 

Additional courses to complete prior to admission

Third quarter General Chemistry should be completed prior to transfer because most general chemistry sequences at other schools do not transfer properly to the UW unless the year-long sequence is completed.  Introductory Technical Writing is accessible to non-engineering majors at other schools, so should be completed.  Additionally, in order to receive transfer credit for MATH 126, that course, or another one you've taken, must include instruction in the Taylor Series. Washington State Community College students can consult the UW Equivalency Guide to ensure you are taking the correct courses for transfer, or contact the MSE undergraduate academic advisor.

To enable on-time graduation, you are strongly encouraged (but not required) to complete these courses prior to your MSE enrollment

Subject Credits Course Equivalencies
Statics 4 AA 210
Mechanics of Materials  4 CEE 220
Calculus-based Physics: 3rd quarter 5 PHYS 123
Matrix Algebra 3 MATH 208 (or MATH 308)
General Chemistry for Science and Engineering (3rd quarter)  5 CHEM 162

How to apply

Transferring in to MSE involves two separate admission processes. You must complete both by the deadlines below to be considered.

  1. Apply to UW mid-December to February 15
  2. Apply for MSE upper admission by April 5

If you have questions about admission to the department after reading this page, contact the MSE undergraduate adviser.

The MSE student experience

Hear from some of our former students about how they found MSE, why they chose us, and the highlights of their time here.

Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering (NME) option

Students are admitted to the MSE NME option by completing NME 220 in the Spring quarter of Sophomore year — as long as they have met MSE admission prerequisites and are admitted to the major. Indicate your interest in the option in your MSE departmental application and discuss your interests and background in your essay.

Learn more about the Nanoscience & Molecular Engineering Option for MSE undergrads.

The selection process

UW Interest Changer applicants and Transfer Student applicants are considered for admission for Autumn quarter of Junior year only.  Students apply via the College of Engineering's application (and Transfer students also apply to the UW) after Winter quarter of Sophomore year ends; application deadline is April 5th.  The MSE department then conducts a selection process.

Selection is based on the following criteria:

  • Meeting the minimum requirements for admission
  • Overall GPA and prerequisite GPA
  • Number of repeated and withdrawn courses
  • Motivational factors as evidenced by previous internship or work experiences, science and engineering activities, the personal statement or other documented evidence

Appeals procedure

If you are denied admission to the MSE Department and want more information about the decision, you should first consult with the MSE academic advisor. Then you may request a review of the decision by writing a letter to the department chairperson citing your reasons for appeal. You must submit this letter within two weeks after notification of denial. The only basis for appeal is an error in the data considered by the MSE Undergraduate Program. If you were denied admission because you submitted incomplete or inaccurate records, your appeal will not be considered. A department appeals committee will consider appeals and respond promptly.

ABET logo MSE's Bachelor of Science degree program is accredited by the ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission. Also see MSE's Program Educational Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes.