Graduation Requirements Summary
MSE students, in order to graduate with a bachelor's degree, complete:
- 24 credits in mathematics
- 31 credits of natural sciences coursework
- 24 credits of engineering fundamentals
- 51 credits in core MSE courses
- 15 credits of technical elective courses
- 12 credits of written and oral communication
- 24 credits in Arts and Humanities (A&H), Social Sciences (SSc), and Diversity (DIV).
Plans of Study for MSE Students
PDFs of graduation requirements and a sample 4-year course schedule are available for students:
- Sophomore-Start Plan of Study: For ENGRUD students starting in MSE in Autumn quarter sophomore year.
- Junior-Start Plan of Study: For UW and Transfer students starting in MSE in Autumn quarter junior year, and ENGRUD students starting in the major after Autumn of sophomore year.
Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering (NME) Option
NME Option students complete all MSE degree requirements below, except the 15 credit Technical Elective requirement. In place of the 15 credit Technical Elective require, NME Option students complete a 19 credit NME Core and Elective Requirement, which is detailed at Nanoscience & Molecular Engineering Option Requirements.
Concentration Areas
The MSE degree offers a large number of course elective options. For advice on choosing pertinent electives to support your interests, please check out MSE Concentration Areas.
Graduation Requirements
Mathematics Requirements
Course # | Course Name | Credits |
MATH 124, 125, 126 | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I, II, III | 15 |
MATH 207 (or MATH 307)‡ | Introduction to Differential Equations (acceptable substitute AMATH 351) | 3 |
MATH 208 (or MATH 308)‡ | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 3 |
One (1) Math Elective: | ||
Probability and Statistics for Engineers (counts in this category OR in the Engineering Fundamentals elective category, NOT both) | 3 |
Linear Analysis | 3 |
Advanced Multivariable Calculus I | 3 |
Advanced Linear Algebra Tools and Applications | 3 |
Probability and Statistics in Engineering &Science | 4 |
TOTAL | 24 |
‡ As of autumn 2021, MATH 307, MATH 308, MATH 309, and MATH 324 are renumbered as MATH 207, MATH 208, MATH 209, and MATH 224, respectively. Students can apply either the 200- or 300-level number for each course toward their degree requirements.
Natural Science Requirements
Course # | Course Name | Credits |
CHEM 142, 152 (or CHEM 143, 153)(or CHEM 145, 155) | General Chemistry | 10 |
PHYS 121/141 | Mechanics | 5 |
PHYS 122/142 | Electromagnetism | 5 |
PHYS 123/143 | Waves | 5 |
Two Science Electives: | ||
Introductory Biology | 5 |
Introductory Biology | 5 |
General Chemistry | 5 |
Honors General Chemistry | 5 |
Organic Chemistry – Short Program | 4 |
Organic Chemistry – Short Program | 4 |
Organic Chemistry | 4 |
Organic Chemistry | 4 |
Inorganic Chemistry (note: students who have completed CHEM 165 can have this course waived. See Advisor.) | 3 |
Inorganic Chemistry Lab | 4 |
Honors Organic Chemistry | 4 |
Honors Organic Chemistry | 4 |
Physical Chemistry for Biochemists I | 3 |
Physical Chemistry | 3 |
Physical Chemistry | 3 |
Thermal Physics | 3 |
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | 3 |
Elementary Mathematical Physics | 4 |
Elementary Mathematical Physics | 4 |
TOTAL | 31 |
Written and Oral Communication Requirements
Course # | Course Name | Credits |
English Composition | Approved Composition Course | 5 |
* | * The University-required 7 additional writing credits will be met by taking MSE core courses. | 4 |
TOTAL | 12 |
Arts and Humanities (A&H), Social Sciences (SSc), and Diversity (DIV).
Course # | Course Name | Credits |
A&H | Approved UW A&H courses | 10 |
SSc | Approved UW SSc courses | 10 |
Additional A&H or SSc | Approved UW A&H or SSc courses | 4 |
Diversity | 5 credits of Diversity required; meet requirement by choosing an A&H/SSc course that is also a DIV course | |
TOTAL | 24 |
Engineering Fundamentals Requirements
Course # | Course Name | Credits |
MSE 170 | Fundamentals of Materials Science | 4 |
AMATH 301 or CSE 142 or CSE 122 | Beginning Scientific Computing or Computer Programming I or Introduction to Computer Programming II | 4 |
AA 210 | Engineering Statics | 4 |
CEE 220 | Introduction to Mechanics of Materials | 4 |
8 Credits of Engineering Fundamentals Electives selected from the following list: | ||
Thermodynamics (4 Credits) | |
Introduction to Bioengineering Problem Solving (3 Credits) | |
Introduction to Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts (3 Credits) | |
Biological Frameworks for Engineers (3 Credits) |
Computer Programming III (4 Credits) | |
Computer Programming II (4 Credits) | |
Data Programming (4 Credits) | |
Intermediate Data Programming (4 Credits) | |
Introduction to Data Science (4 Credits) | |
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (4 Credits) | |
Engineering Exploration (1 Credit)[Open to DTC students only] | |
Advanced Technical Communication in the Engineering Workplace (4 credits) | |
Engineering Leadership (2 credits) | |
Engineering Economy (4 credits) | |
Probability and Statistics for Engineers (counts in this category OR in the Math elective category, NOT both) (3 credits) | |
Intro to Visualization & Computer-Aided Design (4 credits) | |
Kinematics and Dynamics (4 credits) | |
Introduction to Molecular and Nanoscale Principles (NOT eligible elective for NME option students) (4 credits) | |
TOTAL | 24 |
Required MSE Core Courses
Note that MSE core courses are only offered once a year and are designed to be taken in sequence.
Course # | Course Name | Credits |
Sophomore OR Junior Year: | ||
MSE 311 | Integrated Undergraduate Lab I (W course) | 3 |
MSE 312 | Integrated Undergraduate Lab II (W course) | 3 |
MSE 313 | Integrated Undergraduate Lab III (W course) | 3 |
Junior Year: | ||
MSE 321 | Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibrium | 4 |
MSE 331 | Crystallography and Structure | 3 |
MSE 399 | Undergraduate Research Seminar | 1 |
MSE 310 | Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering | 3 |
MSE 322 | Kinetics and Microstructural Evolution | 4 |
MSE 342 | Materials Processing I | 3 |
MSE 351 | Electronic Properties of Materials | 3 |
MSE 333 | Materials Characterization | 3 |
MSE 352 | Functional Properties of Materials I | 3 |
MSE 362 | Mechanical Behavior of Materials I | 3 |
Senior Year: | ||
MSE 442 | Materials Processing II | 3 |
MSE 493 | Design in Materials Engineering I | 1 |
MSE 494 | Design in Materials Engineering II | 2 |
MSE 431 | Failure Analysis and Durability of Materials | 3 |
MSE 495 | Design in Materials Engineering III | 3 |
TOTAL | 51 |
Technical Electives: 15 credits total
500-level MSE courses (except MSE 520 and MSE 599 that is an independent study) will also count toward MSE Technical Electives.
Course # | Course Name | Credits |
MSE 443 | Process Principles in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Materials Production | 3 |
MSE 450 | Magnetism, Magnetic Materials, and Related Technologies | 3 |
MSE 452 | Functional Properties of Materials II | 3 |
MSE 462 | Mechanical Behavior of Materials II | 3 |
MSE 463 | Corrosion and Wear of Materials | 3 |
MSE 466 | Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems | 3 |
MSE 471 | Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering | 3 |
MSE 473 | Noncrystalline State | 3 |
MSE 474 | Nanocomposite Materials | 3 |
MSE 475 | Intro to Composite Materials | 3 |
MSE 476 | Introduction to Optoelectronic Materials | 3 |
MSE 477 | Data Science and Materials Informatics | 3 |
MSE 478 | Material and Device Modeling | 3 |
MSE 479 | Big Data for Materials Science | 3 |
MSE 481 | Science and Technology of Nanostructures | 3 |
MSE 482 | Biomaterials/Nanomaterials in Tissue Engineering | 3 |
MSE 483 | Nanomedicine | 3 |
MSE 484 | Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers | 3 |
MSE 486 | Fundamentals of Integrated Circuit Technology | 3 |
MSE 487 | Composites Engineering, Production, and Maintenance | 3 |
MSE 488 | Materials In Manufacturing | 3 |
MSE 489 | Additive Manufacturing: Materials,Processes, and Applications | 3 |
MSE 490 | Composite Materials in Manufacturing | 3 |
MSE 498 | MSE Special Topics (Special topic courses only, not independent study) | 3-4 |
Other Technical Electives
All 400 or 500-level courses in the following departments count towards Other Technical Electives (except seminar courses or independent study):
A A | BIOEN | CHEM E | CEE | CSE | E E | IND E | M E
500 level courses from the Engineering and Allen School departments listed above will require the MSE advisor to update your audit manually; just notify your advisor is this is needed
If you would like to take a technical elective course outside Engineering or the Allen School that is not listed here, you must fill out a Course Substitution Petition Form and turn it in to the undergraduate advisor. The petition will be reviewed by the MSE Undergraduate Committee.
Course # | Course Name | Credits |
A MATH 352 | Applied Linear Algebra & Numerical Analysis | 3 |
A MATH 353 | Partial Differential Equations and Waves | 3 |
A MATH 383 | Introduction to Continuous Math Modeling | 3 |
A MATH 401 | Vector Calculus and Complex Variables | 3 |
A MATH 403 | Methods for Partial Differential Equations | 3 |
BIOC 405, 406 | Introduction to Biochemistry | 3, 3 |
CHEM 312 | Inorganic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 455, 456, or 457 | Physical Chemistry | 3, 3, 3 |
CHEM E 341 | Energy and Environment | 3 |
ENGR 321 | Engineering Internship (can count a maximum of 4 cr. towards degree) | 1-2 |
ENVIR 480 | Sustainability Studio | 5 |
PHYS 321 | Electromagnetism | 4 |
PHYS 324, 325 | Quantum Mechanics | 4, 4 |
PHYS 334, 335 | Electric Circuits Laboratory | 3, 3 |
PHYS 434 | Application of Computers to Physical Measurement | 3 |
PHYS 441 | Quantum Mechanics | 4 |
* ENTRE 370 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship | 4 |
* ENTRE 440 | Business Plan Practicum | 2 |