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MSE Master's Courses and Schedule

Required courses Sample schedule Faculty adviser Final project Internship option Elective courses

Required courses

All of the 36 required course credits outlined below must be at the 400-level or above to count toward graduate credits.

A minimum of 2.7 is required in each course that is counted toward a graduate degree. A minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 is required for graduation. For Ph.D. consideration, a minimum 3.0 is required for each of the core courses, and a minimum cumulative 3.2 must be met.

Courses that are CR/NC at the 400-500 level will count toward overall graduate credits, but will not apply to the 18 graded credits minimum. You have the option to change elective courses to S/NS but only for courses that are in addition to your required core and elective courses. See Graduate School policy for more information.

For a tentative guide of which classes will be offered during which quarters, check out our course schedule page.

Credits Type of course Courses
2 Graduate tutorial MSE 570 - Graduate Tutorial in Materials Science and Engineering
2 Graduate tutorial MSE 571 - Graduate Tutorial in Materials Science and Engineering
6 MSE core courses Two of the following:
  • MSE 510 - Bonding, Crystallography, and Symmetry-Related Properties of Materials (3 credits)
  • MSE 525 - Kinetics and Phase Transformations (3 credits)
  • MSE 541 - Defects in Materials (3 credits)
  • MSE 503 - Thermodynamics
9 Elective courses Selected from the following:
  • MSE 400-level courses
  • MSE 500-level courses
  • 400- or 500-level courses from other relevant science and engineering departments

Note: If a course is listed jointly at both the 400 and 500 level, master's students should enroll in the 500-level version of the course.

3 Weekly graduate student seminars MSE 520 - Graduate Student Seminars

Thesis/non-thesis requirements

Program Credit requirements
Non-thesis A minimum of 6 MSE 600 credits are required if you and your faculty adviser agreed you will pursue a non-thesis master's degree. This applies to the most of the masters students.
Thesis A minimum of 9 MSE 700 credits are required if you and your faculty adviser agreed you will complete a thesis upon graduation.

Remaining credits to complete 36 credits

The remaining credits to reach 36 total are flexible based on recommendations from your faculty adviser, additional courses you wish to take, or can all be completed as additional thesis or non-thesis credits.

Sample Schedules

These sample schedules are meant to serve as a guide. For a list of courses offered in the current academic year, visit our Course Schedule page.

Full-time, one-year schedule

Although you will be able to complete the degree full time over four quarters, you are permitted to complete additional quarters. F-1 visa students: you must enroll full time in all quarters except your final quarter; see enrollment requirements for more information.

Course Course Title Credits
MSE 570 Graduate Tutorial in Materials Sci & Engr 2
MSE 520 Department Seminar 1
MSE 5xx Elective Course Requirements


MSE 600 Research 1
To do: Select your faculty advisor and complete a Project Agreement Form
MSE 541 Defects in Materials 3
MSE 520

Department Seminar

MSE 571 Graduate Tutorial in Materials Sci & Engr 2
MSE 5xx

Elective Course Requirement

MSE 600 Research 4
MSE 525 Kinetics and Phase Transformations 3
MSE 520

Department Seminar

MSE 5xx Elective Course Requirement 3
MSE 600 Research 4
Summer or following Autumn
MSE 600

Project or internship


Part-time, two-year schedule

Course Course Title Credits
Autumn Y1
MSE 570 Graduate Tutorial in Materials Sci & Engr 2
MSE 520 Department Seminar 1
To do: Select your faculty advisor and complete a Project Agreement Form
Winter Y1
MSE 541 Defects in Materials 3
MSE 520

Department Seminar

MSE 571 Graduate Tutorial in Materials Sci & Engr 2
Spring Y1
MSE 525 Kinetics and Phase Transformations 3
MSE 520

Department Seminar

MSE 600 Research 4
Autumn Y2
MSE 400/500   3
MSE 600 Project or internship 2

Winter Y2

MSE 400/500   3
MSE 600 Project or internship 4
Spring Y2
MSE 400/500   3
MSE 600 Project or internship 4

Selecting a faculty adviser

Each student should obtain their faculty adviser by the end of the first quarter. Students need to make appointments with faculty who meet their interests. 

Final project

The project or internship will be supervised by a UW MSE faculty adviser. A project or internship plan must be approved by the faculty adviser prior to starting it. A written report and oral presentation final are required to graduate.

The student needs to work with the MSE faculty adviser to establish a master’s degree Supervisory Committee to conduct the final exam which is an oral presentation of the written report. The Supervisory Committee consists of the faculty adviser and at least one other member from the MSE or related department faculty, a postdoc or a supervisor if completing and internship.

The student in consultation with the faculty adviser establishes the examination date and place. The student is responsible for posting a degree exam notice with the exam date, place and project abstract one week prior to the master’s degree examination. A copy of the notice must also be provided to the department’s Graduate Program Adviser.

The master’s degree examination shall be a public presentation of the project or internship undertaken. After the presentation a closed examination session will be held with the Supervisory Committee to determine if the candidate is ready to graduate.

Internship or industrial option

Internships provide students with hands-on work experience while giving companies the opportunity to recruit, evaluate, and train potential employees. The program's flexible course schedule and final project component make it possible for industrial projects to fulfill the final project requirement — with proper design and mutual employer-faculty guidance.

The Career Center @ Engineering, MSE advisers, and UW career fairs provide resources to help students find internships. Internships are competitive; start your search early and be persistent.

Recent graduates have held internships with the Boeing Company, Cymer and PNNL.

MSE elective courses

Students can consult with their faculty adviser to choose elective courses for their individual path of study. Courses can be taken in MSE or relevant departments.