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Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Computer Lab


JEOL JSM-6010 Plus


  • 0.5-20 KV energy range; 15-300K X magnification; 10 mm working distance; 10 mm-32 mm diameter - 0-15 mm height sample sizes.
  • Powders can be imaged under special circumstances.
  • All samples must be conductive, clean, and dry


This instrument is purchased with STF funds specifically for UW student use. Any UW student who is registered and matriculated may use it free of charge. It is not available for UW research use or for non-UW users except on a case-by-case basis.


Mueller Hall 167


SEM training is in three sessions. All three sessions must be completed within three weeks.

  1. Demonstration of the instrument
  2. Practice  
  3. Driver's test

Operating procedures and policies

See standard operating procedure