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Thermogravimetric Analyzer

Thermogravimetric Analyzer


Using a very accurate, sensitive balance, this instrument measures the change in weight as a function of temperature. From TGA we can determine a number of dynamic properties:

  • Thermal stability of materials
  • Oxidative stability of materials
  • Composition of multi-component systems (no elemental data)
  • Estimated lifetime of a product
  • Decomposition kinetics of materials
  • The effect of reactive or corrosive atmospheres on materials
  • Moisture and volatiles content of materials

These properties can be determined from either weight gain or weight loss.


All measurements are done under N2 purge.

  • Mass accuracy: +/- 0.5%
  • Mass precision: +/- 0/01%
  • Sensitivity: 0.1 ug
  • Dynamic Drift : <50 ug from 50 – 1000 C at 20C/min with empty Pt pan
  • Temperature precision: +/- 0.1 C


This instrument is purchased with STF funds specifically for UW student use. Any UW student who is registered and matriculated may use it free of charge. It is not available for UW research use or for non-UW users except on a case-by-case basis.


Mueller Hall 170


Training is in two sessions to be completed within one week of each other.

  1. Demonstration of the instrument and discussion of sample preparation and use policies
  2. Driver's test

If a user is unable to demonstrate competence in the test session they may retake it in a third session.

Operating procedures and policies

See standard operating procedure.