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Undergraduate student continuation policy

While the University has general regulations governing scholastic eligibility for continuation, departments in the College of Engineering have adopted additional requirements in order to make the best use of the limited facilities and resources available and to provide reasonable assurance of academic success. The following criteria and procedures will be applied to all undergraduate students for determining continuance in the MSE major.

Basic criteria

  1. A full-time student in the major is normally expected to enroll each quarter for at least 12 credits that are applicable to the degree.  Students who have fewer than 12 credits available at the UW in any quarter that are applicable to the degree are still considered to be full time students in the department. This situation can occur, for example, in the quarter before graduation.
  2. A student who has received permission to attend part-time must take at least one course each quarter applicable towards the degree.  Permission to attend part-time is normally granted if application is made prior to the first day of the quarter for which such status is desired.  If you wish to apply for part-time status for any given quarter, please send an email to both the MSE Department’s Undergraduate Advisor requesting this status and explaining the circumstances surrounding the need to be part-time.
  3. Each student must maintain satisfactory progress toward the degree. The minimum progress acceptable is defined as the completion of at least three courses per academic year which are applicable toward the B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering degree.
  4. Students who receive an X or I grade in any course applicable for graduation with an MSE degree during any one academic year must achieve a course grade in the course(s) of at least 0.7 (or CR for a CR/NC course) by the beginning of Autumn quarter of the following academic year.  Students who receive an X or I grade earned in any course(s) applicable for graduation with an MSE degree during a Summer quarter must achieve a course grade of at least 0.7 (or CR for a CR/NC course) by the following Summer quarter.  The only exception to this rule is if an X or I is earned in a course that is prerequisite for another course during the same academic year; these Xs and Is must be converted into course grades before you can register for the following course. 
  5. ENGRUD Students who are placed into MSE are expected to follow the applicable Plan of Study (see Plans of Study at and be academically prepared to take all MSE core classes listed for Autumn quarter of Junior year).  Functionally this means that ENGRUD students are expected to complete prior to Autumn quarter Junior year the same admission and enrollment requirements that UW and Transfer students who are admitted to MSE for Autumn of Junior year do.  These courses are MATH 124, 125, 126, 207/307 (or honors equivalents); CHEM 142, 152 (or honors/accelerated equivalents); PHYS 121/141, 122/142; MSE 170; AMATH 301 or CSE 142; English composition (5 credits).
  6. MSE majors reapplying to the University as returning students are readmitted through normal UW Seattle returning student application procedures.  As part of those procedures, students who have been absent for more than two years must supply a supporting statement from the MSE Academic Advisor to be readmitted.  Such students will receive this supporting statement if they were (1) meeting MSE’s Basic Satisfactory Progress Criteria when they left, and (2) not in violation of UW Low Scholarship policy when they left, and (3) there is room to accommodate these students in any remaining MSE department courses required for graduation.   Students who do not meet all 3 components for automatic support may be readmitted but will need to meet with the MSE Advisor and the Undergraduate Committee Chair for additional discussions.
  7. The cumulative grade-point average in all departmental courses must not fall below 2.00. If this condition is not met, the student will be placed on departmental warning, then department probation as provided in the Review and Notification of Progress and must achieve a quarterly CUM grade-point average in departmental courses of 2.01 or higher until the cumulative departmental GPA rises above 2.00.
  8. Students admitted to the nanoscience and molecular engineering option (NME) must adhere to all the above criteria. Since NME coursework is offered in specified quarters only, student must enroll in these courses to be considered making satisfactory progress. Students not making satisfactory progress toward the NME option are dropped from that option.

Review and notification of progress

The progress of each student will be reviewed each quarter by the undergraduate committee. If progress is unsatisfactory, the student will be notified in writing and:

  1. Warned that progress is not satisfactory if this is the student's first quarter in the Materials Science and Engineering program.  Students will be placed on academic probation if the problem is not remedied after the end of the warning quarter.
  2. In the second and all successive quarters in the MSE program, students will be placed on academic warning if any of the basic satisfactory progress criteria are not met, followed by academic probation in the following quarter.
  3. If the student does not correct any deficiencies in the first probationary quarter, the MSE academic advisor will report the conditions in writing to the Undergraduate Committee Chair.
  4. Students making appropriate academic progress towards remedying their basic criteria deficiencies will continue to remain on probation. Students who are not will be evaluated by the undergraduate committee for dismissal.


The student facing dismissal may appeal the dismissal to the department chair in writing, stating all available evidence on their behalf and requesting that the academic probation be continued for another quarter. The student must submit this letter within two weeks after the letter of dismissal is issued.


The University Low Scholarship policy is also applicable to MSE students.


The University of Washington reaffirms its policy of equal opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran in accordance with University of Washington policy and applicable federal and state statutes and regulations.